Online Ordering Webstie

Get your own online ordering website. Easy to setup, easy to use, orders go straight to ExtendaGO.

Simply ordering

The Ordin online ordering website is built to be easy to use, both for the merchant and the customer.
Ordin offers a simple and intuitive user interface, which makes sure that the customer can place an order and pay with as few obstacles as possible.

How it works

Ordin is built on top of the ExtendaGO POS. What this means is that Ordin automatically exports all products, prices, descriptions and images from your ExtendaGO POS, to create the website. Orders placed via the website are then sent back to the ExtendaGO POS which means that all orders will end up the same place.


Ordin does have a number of advanced features, to create an even better and more engaging ordering experience. Products can be highlighted as being popular to nudge customers into buying your best products. Suggestions can also be shown in the checkout screen, to present the customer with a last opportunity to try new and interesting products before they place their order.

Want to learn more?

Request a demo to learn more. We'll reach out to you within 24 hours, and discuss your challenges and how Ordin might help. We'll look forward to hearing from you!